+64 9 432 8226


E ngā pou o te ao kikokiko nei                                                                                    
Tukua ana te mihi ki ngā taumata                                                                             
Me te inoi atu kia tau mai te manaakitanga i ēnei rangi taumaha nei
Kia tau mai anō ngā uara o te manaakitanga, te aroha, te awhina me te ngākaunui hoki 
i runga i ngā tauira, ngā kaiako me te whānau whānui o tēnei tō mātou kura
Kia mau, kia ita
Kia kore ai e ngaro
Kia pupuri kia whakamaua kia tina, tina haumi e hui e taiki e

Sentries of the Earth
We humbly show gratitude to all bastions
And seek blessings during these times of difficulty
We the students, teachers and wider community commit to the values of respect, love, understanding and gratitude
Sustaining them
So they are never lost
Held fast and secure
We draw together and affirm with pride.

‘Sentries’ and ‘bastion’ are used here to portray spiritual figures and fortifications that gaurd Earth. How and what these representations are is subject to individual belief.

I have linked karakia to our values to further add ‘mana’ to these and hopefully assist in better understanding our values during the rollout.




Get In Touch

2 Peter Snell Road, Ruakaka

+64 9 432 8226

[email protected]